ია ფანცულაია

ბიოლოგიურ მეცნიერებათა დოქტორი, სპეციალობა იმუნოლოგია, ივ.ჯავახიშვილის სახ. სახელმწიფო უნივერსიტეტის ბიოლოგიის ფაკულტეტი.


Professional SKILLS

General methods of immunology, molecular and cell biology including DNA and RNA isolation, various PCR techniques, Southern, Northern and Western blotting, investigation of specific gene expression. Blast transformation, reaction of lymphocytes by MTT and radioimmunoassay methods. Induction and detection of cytokines by ELISA, ELISPOT, experience with mice, cell culture. Computer operations of the statistical and genetic programs (Statistica, SPSS, FISHER, MAN, as well as Windows 10, Word, Excel, Internet, Photoshop and etc.)


My professional goal is to develop internationally recognized research focusing on the integrated genetics and immunology studies. My Current efforts focus on understanding the molecular mechanisms involved in the pathology of complex diseases such as diabetes, osteoarthritis, cardiovascular diseases, as is also on identifying and developing molecular targets/surrogate biomarkers for the prevention of disease.

Accordingly, my long term research interests are:

  • Investigation the underlying immunological dysfunction in the development and pathogenesis of complex diseases (diabetes, osteoarthritis, cancer etc).
  • Identification biomarkers involved in the progress of complex diseases, and improvement ex-vivo manipulation strategies that can enhance the therapeutic potential of these biomarkers.
  • Estimation genetic and environmental determinants of immunological responses, particularly assessment cytokines levels interindividual variation and their genetic control (heritability estimates etc.) as well as cytokine gene regulation.
  • Osteoimmunology – The connections between bone and cartilage remodeling process and immune system.
  • Investigation of the immunomodulatory activity of biologically active substances, looking into their effects on various immune responses (stimulatory or inhibitory). My interest includes exploring how compounds suppress immune response by down regulating cytokines production. Detection of the immunomodulatory activity of biologically active substances – studying in vivo effects of targeted therapeutic agents in order to better understand the biology of changes of immune response.